
Understanding paid leave

Colorado paid leave started in January 2024. It provides paid medical leave (PML) and paid family leave (PFL) income replacement benefits for eligible workers who need time off from work for qualifying reasons. This state program is called the Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI).

Colorado FAMLI: Coverage and cost

Learn about your state rules and eligibility.

Coverage options

State plan: Provides a baseline of benefits for a covered employer's eligible employees.

State-approved private plans: Option for employers to offer an approved private plan that meets or exceeds state benefits.

Employer coverage

Any employer with one or more employees during each of 20 or more calendar workweeks in the current or immediately preceding calendar year; or paid wages of $1,500 or more during any calendar quarter in the preceding calendar year.

Local government can opt out. Self-employed and local government employees can opt into the program. Federal employees and certain railroad workers aren’t covered. 

Employee eligibility

Colorado employees who have earned $2,500 in wages subject to FAMLI premiums in the base or alternative base period. The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. The alternative base period is the last four completed calendar quarters.

Leave reasons

PML: Employee's own serious health condition.

PFL: Caring for a family member, bonding, qualifying exigency and safe leave.

Job protection

Requires continuation of health insurance benefits and (if employed at least 180 days before taking leave) reinstatement to previous or equivalent position.

PFML benefits

Benefit percentage: Employees receive up to 90% of their average weekly wage on a sliding scale. 

Maximum weekly benefit: $1,324.31.

Waiting period: No waiting period.

Maximum duration: Maximum of 12 weeks. Additional 4 weeks for pregnancy or childbirth complications.

FAMLI may also be referred to in the more generic term of Paid Family & Medical Benefits (PFML)


PML/PFL (combined contribution): Premiums set are 0.9% of the employee's wage. The cost may be split with 0.45% paid by the employer and 0.45% paid by the employee.

Employee: 0.45% of gross wages up to the maximum taxable wage base.

Employer: 0.45% of gross wages up to the maximum taxable wage base. Employers may elect to pay all or part of the employee contribution.

This program exempts businesses with fewer than 10 employees nationwide from paying the employer portion of the premium. 

Program timeline

Contributions started: January 1, 2023

Benefits available: January 1, 2024

Need more information? Visit the Colorado FAMLI website.


How Colonial Life can help

Colonial Life offers a choice of disability insurance plans that can complement benefits for Colorado FAMLI paid medical leave and help bridge coverage gaps. Reach out to our sales representatives to learn more about our disability solutions.