Washington, D.C.

Understanding paid leave

Washington, D.C. provides paid medical leave (PML) and paid family leave (PFL) income replacement benefits for eligible workers who need time off from work for qualifying reasons. The program is commonly referred to as Universal Paid Leave (UPL).

Washington, D.C. UPL: Coverage and cost

Learn about your state rules and eligibility.

Coverage options

D.C. plan only. Private plans are not allowed.

Employer coverage

All non-government, private sector employers are covered except those that are exempt from D.C. taxes by federal law or treaty. Self-employed individuals who have opted into the program.

Employee eligibility

Covered employees include:

  • An employee of a covered employer who spends 50% of their work time working in D.C. for that employer.
  • Or, an employee of a covered employer based in D.C. and does not work more than 50% of their work time for that employer in another jurisdiction.
  • When evaluating percentages of work location, it is based on where the employee worked in the year immediately preceding the leave.

Leave reasons

PML: Employee's own serious health condition.

PFL: Caring for a family member and bonding.

Job protection

This law does not provide job protection.

PFML benefits

Benefit percentage: Employees receive up to 90% of their average weekly wage on a sliding scale.

Maximum weekly benefit: $1,153.

Waiting period: No waiting period (no elimination period).

Maximum duration: 12 weeks for parental leave, family leave and medical leave. Additional 2 weeks for qualifying prenatal leave.


Employee: None.

Employer: PML/PFL (combined contribution): 0.75% of employee average weekly wages.

Effective 07/01/2024, per Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2024, a covered employer shall contribute an amount equal to 0.75% of wages for each of its covered employees.

Program timeline

Effective: July 1, 2021

Need more information? Visit Washington, D.C.'s website for additional details.


How Colonial Life can help

Colonial Life offers a choice of disability insurance plans that can complement benefits for Washington, D.C. and help bridge coverage gaps. Reach out to our sales representatives to learn more about our disability solutions.